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Personal cabinet




Anti-corruption and business ethics

PASHA Insurance is entrusted not to practice corruption, collusion and any other form of bribery at all. The Company controls the best principles in the field of corporate governance implemented in accordance with the principles of good insurance practice which forbids all employees at all levels to receive gifts, money or compensations from customers or colleagues who have business relationships with the Company. As PASHA Insurance does not tolerate any form of corruption or bribery, we progressively strive to pass on our corporate values to all employees by corporate communications, inductions and take measures of control in relation to money laundering transactions. The company regularly reports to the Financial Monitoring Service (FMS) under the Central Bank of Republic of Azerbaijan, established to implement the state policy in prevention of legalization of criminally obtained funds and other property and financing of terrorism in the Republic, improve the supervision system and coordinate the activity of relevant government authorities.

Human and Labour rights

PASHA Insurance recognizes the principles prescribed by international conventions and has adopted the protection and maintenance of human rights as established by the Universal Declaration of 1948. We commit to all requirements of the Law of Azerbaijan Republic and International Law standards regarding human and labor rights and support them in all our operations.