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Dear Customers!

As the "PASHA Insurance OJSC", our focus in Customer Satisfaction is to answer the needs and demands of our customers in a timely, accurate and direct manner.

Our goal is not merely to serve, but to recognize our customers, to understand their needs, to provide them with appropriate services and products.

By focusing on long-term customer policy, we are committed to meeting the highest standards of professionalism.

For this reason, our position in the insurance market is highly, based on our advanced management system and our professional staff, we aim at the highest quality in our area of activity, and demonstrate the perfect practice for our customers' requirements.

As "PASHA Insurance OJSC", we are glad to see you among our insurers and thank you for choosing us.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us via the following channels:

  • E-mail address of the official responsible for complaints: [email protected] (Narmina Muradova)
  • Contact number of the official responsible for complaints: +994502423888
  • 5th button after dialing *7000
  • Request / complaint letters sent by the supervisory authority or directly addressed to the Board of Directors, Department managers;
  • C[email protected];
  • Facebook/Linkedin/ www.pasha-insurance.az;
  • Feedback/Complaints registration at Contact Centers;
  • "Client's Voice" boxes placed at the front desk offices.