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01 October 2015

PASHA Insurance OJSC has launched “İnsurer Academy” project

PASHA Insurance - one of the leading insurance companies in our country has launched“Insurer Academy” project.

This project is social, trainings are absolutely free and the main goal is to increase insurance awareness in the country.

For a start, training for graduates of ASAN volunteers program, called “Fundamentals of Insurance and corporate management”, was held on 3rd and 5th of December. This training was organized both by “Insurer Academy” and “ASAN kadr” career center of State Agency’s “ASAN School” volunteer program’s. It should be noted that 25 ASAN volunteers attended this training.

Topics covered at the training were risk management, fundamentals of insurance, regulation of insurance claims, marketing, HR and accounting. Trainings were held by PASHA Insurance employees and training participants were awarded with certificates at the end of the trainings.

According to the information from PASHA Insurance, “Insurer Academy” is planning to hold this kind of trainings at different institutions and universities over the contry.

PASHA Insurance has been operating in the insurance market since 2006. As a part of PASHA Holding, PASHA Insurance offers 35 types of mandatory and voluntary insurance services for both individual and corporate customers. Due to the capitalization values such as 50 mln. manats of authorized capital and ability to maintain risks, PASHA Insurance strengthened its position as a leader amongst the insurance companies of Azerbaijan Republic.

Next news

PASHA Insurance has opened its new representative office in Khachmaz.